Environmental Ethics
and Public Policy
Ernest Partridge, Ph.D

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Environmental Ethics: A Directory

A Service of The Online Gadfly

A Website of News and Opinion Regarding Environmental Ethics and Public Policy
Ernest Partridge, PhD -- Designated Gadfly

All entries and information below appear with the explicit permission of the individuals listed.  The Directory is intended solely as a service to our users and to environmental professionals and scholars. 

Applications will be accepted from individuals who meet at least one of the following  three qualifications:  (a) Publications in the fields of Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, or Environmental Policy, or (b) an assignment to teach any of the above subjects in an accredited College or University, or (c) professional experience in environmental policy-analysis or policy-making (either governmental or non-governmental).  To apply, please select  "Qualifications and Instructions for Applicants."

Because most applications have been submitted in longhand, there will surely be some errors.  Accordingly, those who have already submitted their names are urged to examine their entries below for accuracy.   Corrections and supplemental information (e.g., website URLs and links) may be directed to The Gadfly at:  gadfly@igc.org.

Total (11/7/00): 222.

Acampora, Ralph R.

110-50 71st. Rd. PH-G
Forest Hills, NY 11375

E-Mail:        phirra@hofstra.edu
Phone:         516-463-6472/2201

Institution:      Philosophy, Hofstra University

Specialties:     Interspecies morality, especially the zoo.
                    Embodiment-environment nexus.


Armstrong, Susan J.

1765 Virginia Way
Arcata, CA 95521

E-Mail: sja3@axe.humboldt.edu
Phone: 707-826-5754
FAX: 822-3279 (h)

Institution:       Humboldt State University, Philosophy

Specialties:     Ecofeminism, Ecotheology, Animal Ethics, Process Philosophy


Arnason, Thorvardur

Center for Ethical Studies
University of Iceland
Sudurgata 27, IS-101
Reykjavik, Iceland

E-Mail:    thorvarn@hi.is 
Phone:     354-525-4077
FAX:       354-551-2167

Institution:      Managing Director, National Bioethics Committee.

Specialties:    Views of Nature, Natural Aesthetics, Environmental Policy.


Arntzen, Sven

Dept. of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Telemark College
Telemark, Norway N-3800 B

E-Mail: sven.arntzen@hit.no
Phone:  473-595-2741
FAX:    473-595-2601


Athanasopolous, Dr. Constantinos

6 Hiolkou St.
Kamatero -Athens
13451 Greece

E-Mail:    cathanas@hol.gr
FAX:      1-238-3613

Institution:    Philosophy, University of Athens
Specialties:   Intrinsic Value Theory, Ecological Philosophy and Theology, Internal Relations,  Environmental Ethics and Animal and Plant Consciousness 


Attfield, Prof. Robin

INCAP, Cardiff University
PO Box 94
Cardiff, Wales CF10 3XB
United Kingdom

Specialties:     Axiology and Moral Standing, Sustainable Development and Global Ethics.
                      History and theory of Stewardship.


Auxier, Randall E.

Dept. of Philosophy
Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Carbondale, IL  62901-4505

E-Mail:    drauxier@yahoo.com
Phone:    618-453-7437

Specialties:    Environmental Philosophy: as cultural phenomenon, metaphysical basis, etc.  Metaethics.  Earth First! and the connection between spirituality, myth and nature.


Barkdull, John

Dept. of Political Science, Box 41015
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409

E-Mail:    vejon@ttacs.ttu.edu 
Phone:     806-792-2993

Specialties:    Future Generations, The Land Ethic, 
                     International Politics and Environmental Ethics, Social Ecology, Deep Ecology,
                     Greek Philosophy and Ecology, Orthodox Christian Theology and Ecology.


Bayer, Dr. Stefan

University of Tuebingen, Economics
Melanchthonstrasse 30, D-72074
Tuebingen, Germany

E-Mail: stefan.bayer@uni-tuebingen.de
Phone: +49-7071-297-4912
FAX: +49-7071-297-5590

Institution:     University of Tuebinger, Dept. of Economics.
                    (Public Finance and Environmental Economics)

Specialties:    Sustainable Development, Discounting


Bekoff, Marc

E-Mail:     marc.bekoff@colorado.edu
Phone:     303-443-6857
FAX:       303-443-2275

Specialties:     Animal Rights and Environmental Ethics


Benammar, Karim

Faculty of Cross-Cultural Studies
Kobe University
Tsurukabuto, Nada-ku
Kobe 657-8501

E-Mail:     karim@cs.cla.kobe-u.ac.jp

Specialties:     Environmental Philosophy; Ecological Economics.


Benton, Lisa

Dept. of Geography
Persson Hall
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY  13346-1398

E-Mail:    lbenton@mail.colgate.edu
Phone:     315-228-7864

Specialties:    US Environmental History and Ideas;  National Parks;  Urban Environmental Issues and Policy;
                     Urban Planning;  Environmental Ethics.


Berthold-Bond, Daniel

Dept. of Philosophy
Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504

E-Mail:    bond@bard.edu


Blakeley, Don

Dept. of Philosophy
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740

E-Mail:    donald_blakeley@csufresno.edu 
Phone:     559-278-4937

Specialties:    Comparative Philosophy and Environmental Ethics


Bliese, John R. E.

Communication Studies Dept.
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-3083

Phone:    806-796-0884

Specialties:    The Political Philosophy of Conservation.  Environmental Ethics and Policy.


Botzler, Richard G.

Dept. of Wildlife
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA 95521

E-Mail:    rgb2@humboldt.edu
Phone:     707-826-3724

Specialties:    Environmental Ethics Education,  Leopold Land Ethic.


Bookchin, Murray

Social Ecology Project
PO Box 111
Burlington, VT 05702

E-Mail:    jbiehl@together.net
URL:       homepages.together.net/~jbiehl/index.htm

Institution:     Institute for Social Ecology, Plainfield, VT  05667

Specialties:    Dialectical Naturalism;  Social Ecology.


Booth, Annie

Assoc. Prof. Environmental Studies 
University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way
Prince George
British Columbia V2N 4Z9

E-Mail:    annie@unbc.ca
Phone:     250-960-6649
FAX:       250-960-5538

Specialties:    Indigenous Ethics;  Ecofeminism; Animal Ethics;  Community and Ethics.


Branch, Michael P.

Dept. of English, 098
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89506

E-Mail:    mbranch@unr.edu
Phone:    775-784-8016

Specialties:    Environmental Philosophy; Ethics; Western American Literature


Breen, Sheryl D.

7180 115th Ave.
Clear Lake, MN 55319

E-Mail:    sbreen@polisci.umn.edu
Phone:     320-743-3392

Institution:    University of Minnesota

Specialties:    Ecocentrism/Holism and Property Rights, Sustainable Agriculture,
                     Moral Standing and Interests.


Briggs, Cory J.

Dept. of Philosophy
Skinner Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Silver Spring, MD 20902

E-Mail:     corybriggs@msn.com

Institution:      University of Maryland, Philosophy (PhD Candidate)

Specialties:     Legal Philosophy, Environmental Policy


Brown, Donald A.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Dept. of Environmental Protection
Office of Chief Counsel
400 Market St., Box 8464
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8464

E-Mail:    brown.donald@dep.state.pa.us
Phone:     717-783-8503
FAX:       717-787-9378

Institution:    (Also) Pennsylvania Consortium for Interdisciplinary Environmental Policy

Specialties:   Applied Environmental Ethics; 
                    Ethical Dimensions of Environmental Science, Economics and Law.


Buchholz, Rogene A.

5817 Chestnut St.
New Orleans, LA 70115

E-Mail:    buchholz@loyola.edu
Phone:     504-895-9838

Institution:    Loyola University, New Orleans


Buege, Douglas J.

5460 Lacy Road
Madison, WI 53711

E-Mail:     djbuege@yahoo.com
Phone:     608-298-9558
URL:       www.amphibianadvocates.com

Institution:      Director: Amphibian Advocates

Specialties:    NeoColonialism;  Ecofeminism;  Amphibians; Environmental Education.


Burnett, H. Sterling

12655 No. Central Expressway, Suite 720
Dallas, TX 75243

E-Mail:    hsburnett@ncpa.org
Phone:    972-386-6272
FAX:      972-386-0924
URL:      www.ncpa.org 

Institution:     National Center for Policy Analysis

Specialties:    Environmental Values, Environmental Policy, Deep Ecology, 
                     Free Market Environmentalism, Hunting.


Cafaro, Philip

Dept. of Philosophy, Eddy Bldg.
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80521

E-Mail:      cafaro@lamar.colostate.edu
Phone:       970-491-2061

Specialties:       Environmental Virtue Ethics, Ethics and Consumption, Natural History, 
                        Henry David Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson


Callicott, Dr. J. Baird

Philosophy & Religious Studies
University of North Texas, PO 310920
Denton, TX 76203-0920

E-Mail:      callicott@unt.edu
Phone:       940-565-4846
FAX:         940-565-2989

Institution:     University of North Texas, www.cep.unt.edu/vbjc.html


Campolo, Christian K.

E-Mail:     campolo@geocities.com


Card, Prof. Claudia

Dept. of Philosophy 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, WI 53706

E-Mail: cfcard@facstaff.wisc.edu


Care, Norman S.

Professor of Philosophy
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH 44074

E-Mail:    norman.care@oberlin.edu
Phone:     440-775-8393
FAX:       440-775-8084
URL:       www.oberlin.edu/~ncare

Specialties:    Normative motivation problems; Environmental policy issues; Moral psychology. 


Carling, Dr. R. C. J.

90 Charlton Road Shirley, 
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     carling@tcp.co.uk
Phone:      44-(023)-8077 /8830

Institution:       Damaris

Specialties:     Environmental Theology


Carlson, Allen

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2E5

E-Mail:    allen.carlson@ualberta.ca
Phone:     780-962-5881
FAX:       780-962-5882

Specialties:    Environmental Aesthetics.


Carroll, Greg

204 Broughton Drive
Beverly, MA 01915

E-Mail:    gcarroll@salem.mass.edu
Phone:     978-542-7082

Institution:    Salem State College

Specialties:    Pragmatism, Sustainability, Environmental Education, Public Policy.


Carter, Alan

Prof. of Moral Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
69 Oakfield Avenue
University of Glasgow
Glasgow  G12 8LT United Kingdom

E-Mail:  A.Carter@philosophy.arts.gla.ac.uk
Website: www.gla.ac.uk/Acad/Philosophy/Personnel/Alan/carter.html
Phone:  (+44) 141 330 4273  // (+44) 141 330 5692
FAX:    (44) 141 330 4112

Specialties:    Green political theory; Future generations; Value pluralism; Projectivism.


Chiarelli, Burnetto

Istituto Antropologia
Universita di Firenze
Via del Proconsolo 12
50122 Firenze, Italy

E-Mail:    antropos@unifi.it
Phone:     +39-055-239-8065
FAX:       +39-055-283-3358

Specialties:    Editor in Chief, Global Bioethics.


Clark, John P.

Box 79, Loyola University 
6363 St. Charles Ave. 
New Orleans, LA 70118

E-Mail:     clark@loyno.edu  
Phone:      504-865-2128  
FAX:        504-865-3883

Institution:     Loyola University, Chair: Environmental Studies

Specialties:   Social Ecology, Buddhism and Taoism, Environmental Justice, Bioregionalism


Clark, Prof. Stephen R. L.

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3BX
United Kingdom

E-Mail:   srlclark@liverpool.ac.uk
Phone:    0151-794-2788
FAX:      0151-794-2789
URL:      www.liv.ac.uk/~srlclark/stephen.html

Specialties:    Platonism, Animals, Implications of Evolutionary Theory. 


Clarke, Melissa

Dept. of Philosophy
The College of St. Rose
432 Western Ave.
Albany, NY 12203

E-Mail:     clarkem@mail.strose.edu
Phone:      518 458-5316
E-Mail:     518 458-5446

Specialties:    Ecofeminism, Poststructuralism and Environmental Philosophy, 
                     Ontological Implications of Environmental Ethics,
                     Executive Committee, Hudson Mohawk Group, Sierra Club.


Cobb, John B. Jr.

777 No. Cambridge Way 
Claremont, CA 91711

E-Mail: cobbj@cgu.edu

Specialties: Philosophy and Theology


Cochrane, Don

College of Education 
University of Saskatchewan 
28 Campus Drive 
Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X1 

E-Mail:     don.cochrane@usaks.ca  
Phone:     306-966-7521 
FAX:       306-966-7549

Specialties: Teaching course: "Education, Wisdom and Nature."


Coglianese, Cary

Assoc. Prof. of Public Policy
J. F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University
79 John F. Kennedy St.
Cambridge, MA 02138

E-Mail:    cary_coglianese@harvard.edu
Phone:     617-495-1402
FAX:       617-496-6372
URL:       www.ksg.harvard.edu/prg/coglianese

Specialties:    Environmental Law and Policy.


Collins-Chobanian, Dr. Shari

Dept. of Integrative Studies 
Arizona State University, West  
4701 W. Thunderbird Rd. 
Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100

E-Mail:     sharicc@asu.edu 
Phone:      602-543-6099 

Specialties:       Environmental Labeling, Environmental Rights, Environmental Racism/Justice, 
                        Transgenics, Resisting Development.


Comstock, Gary

421 Cott 
Iowa State University 
Ames, IA 50011-1306

E-Mail:     comstock@iastate.edu  
Phone:     515-294-0054  
FAX:       515-294-0780

Institution:       Iowa State University

Specialties:     Ethical Theory, Agricultural Ethics, Animal Rights, Biotechnology.


Cooper,  Rev. Nigel

The Rectory, 40 Church Road, 
Rivenhall, Witham, 
Essex, CM8 3PQ 
United Kingdom

E-Mail:  nscooper@essex.ac.uk
Phone:   01376 511161
URL:     www.rivenhall.org.uk 

Institution:     Rector of Rivenhall and Silver End, Diocese of Chelmsford, 
                    Center for Theology and Society, Essex University

Specialties:    The Role of Ethics in the Science of Ecology.


Cox, Damian

School of International Cultural and Community Studies
Edith Cowan University
2 Bradford Street
Mt. Lawley
6050, Australia

E-Mail:    d.cox@cowan.edu.au


Cragg, Dr. Wesley

54 Tribbling Crescent 
Aurora. ON L4G 4W9 

E-Mail: wcragg@schulich.yorku.ca 
Phone: 416-736-5809 

Institution: York University

Specialties: Values Mapping, Resource Use Ethics, Business Ethics.


Crittenden, Chris

University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Philosophy Department
801 McClung Tower
Knoxville, TN 37996

E-Mail:    ccritten@utk.edu
Phone:     865-974-3255
FAX:       865-974-3509

Specialties:    Ecofeminism, Corporations, Dysfunctional Psychologies, Animals. 


Daniel, Dan

1613 Andrews St. 
Winfield, KN 67156 

E-Mail: ddaniel@sckans.edu 
Phone: 316-221-8325

Institution:     Southwestern College, Winfield, KN. 
                    Board Member, Environmental Ethics Institute (Miami, Dade Co.)

Specialties:    Deep ecology, environmental mathematics, natural language.


Davion, Victoria

Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy
Peabody Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-1627

E-Mail:    vdavion@arches.uga.edu
Phone:     706-542-2823
FAX:       706-542-2839
URL:        www.phil.uga.edu

Specialties:    Editor, Ethics and the Environment; Ethics (including feminist ethics);
                     Environmental Philosophy; Political Philosophy.


De Silva, Padmasiri

Philosophy Department 
Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168 

E-Mail:     pdesilva@alphalink.com.au 
Phone:     613-954 88565 
FAX:       613-990 53206

Institution:     Monash University

Specialties:       Cross-Cultural Environmental Ethics, Buddhist Environmental Philosophy, 
                        Ecological Sensibility and Emotion Studies


Diener, Paul W.

York College of Pennsylvania 
451 Tioga St. 
York, PA 17404

E-Mail: pdiener@ycp.edu 

Institution: York College of PA 

Specialties: Teaching a Course in Environmental Ethics


Dikenou, Dr.Christophe

Université de Lomé
Dept. of Philosophie
B.P. 1515 Lomé-Togo
West Africa


Phone: 228 22 24 33

Specialties and Interest: Environmental Ethics and Education, Incorporation of the Environmental Dimension
                                    into University Education in Africa.  Ethics and Environmental Politics in Africa


Dobson, Andrew

Keele University
Staffs ST5 5B9
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     poa15@keele.ac.uk
Phone:      +44 1782-583351
FAX:        +44 1782-583592

Specialties:    Environmental Political Theory.


Donnelley, Strachan

The Hastings Center 
Garrison, NY 10524 

E-Mail:     donnelly@thehastingscenter.org 
Phone:     845-424-4040 
FAX:       845-424-4545

Institution:         Director: Humans and Nature Program, The Hastings Center

Specialties:       Humans and Nature Ethics, Regional planning, Ecological and Democratic Citizenship,
                        Darwin, Leopold, Hans.Jonas, A. N. Whitehead


Donner, Wendy

Dept. of Philosophy
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K15 5B6

E-Mail:    wendy_donner@carleton.ca
Phone:     613-520-3962

Specialties:    Ecofeminism, Development Ethics, Environmental Ethics and Buddhism. 


Drenthen, Dr. Martin

Zebrastraat 5,
6531 TJ Nijmegen

E-Mail:    mdrenthen@hetnet.nl
Website:  www.martindrenthen.tk
Phone:    31-24-323-8397

Institution:     Institute for Science Innovation and Society,
                    Faculty of Science,
                    Radboud University, Nimegen.

Specialties:   Continental Environmental Philosophy; Hermeneutics of Nature; 
                    Environmental Phenomenology; Nietzsche's Natural Philosophy,
                    Critique of Morals,  Environmental Aesthetics, Wilderness
                    Philosophy, Ecological Restoration.

Drinkwater, Chris

14 Calderbrook Road 
Lancaster OL15 9HL 
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     chrisdrinkwater@chrisdrinkwater.free-online.co.uk 
Phone:      01706 379192 

Specialties:     Ecology and Postmodernity; Cultural Studies and the Cultural Politics of Nature.


Eaton, Dr. Heather

St. Paul University 
223 Main St. 
Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4 

E-Mail:     heaton@ustpaul.uottawa.ca 
Phone:      613-236-1393 / 2276 
FAX:        613-751-4016

Institution:       St. Paul University

Specialties:     Environmental Ethics and Feminism, Religion, Biotechnology, Spirituality, Ecofeminism.


Ebenreck, Sara

PO Box 318 
St. Mary's City, MD 20686

E-Mail:     sebenreck@osprey.smcm.edu 
Phone:      301-862-0471

Institution:     St. Mary's College of Maryland


Embree, Lester

Dept. of Philosophy
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431

E-Mail:    embree@fau.edu 
Phone:     561-297-3827 
FAX:       815-371-2485 
URL:       www.phenomenologycenter.org 

Institute:    Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.

Specialties:    Environmental Phenomenology


Enderle, Georges

Arthur and Mary O'Neil Professor,
International Business Ethics
Mendoza College of Business
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Phone:    219-631-5595
FAX:      219-631-5255

Specialties:    Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility;
                     Business and Economic Ethics;  International Business Ethics


Engel, John Ronald

PO Box 717 
Beverly Shores, IN 46301

E-Mail:     jronengle@home.com 
Phone:      219-874-0067 
FAX:        219-874-0067

Institution:       Research Prof. in Environmental and Social Ethics, Meadville/Lombard Theological School

Specialties:     Ecology and Democracy, Global Ethics, Religion and Ecology, Sustainable Cities.


Eser, Uta

Keplerstrasse 17
D-72074 Tuebingen

E-Mail:    ecoethic@uni-tuebingen.de
Phone:     0049-7071-297-7983
FAX:       0049-7071-297-5255

Institution:     Interdepartmental Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities,
                    Eberhars Karls University Tuebingen

Specialties:    Biodiversity, Global Ethics, Political Ecology, Science of Ecology and Environmental Ethics,
                     The Relation of facts and Values, Discourse Analysis, Foucalt's
                    Concept of Biopower,
                     Social Constructions of Nature, Nature and Culture, Ecofemminism.


Evanoff, Richard

1933-8 Hazama-cho 
Tokyo, 193-0941 

E-Mail: evanoff@sipeb.aoyama.ac.jp  
Phone: 81-426-68-0207

Institution: School of International Politics, Economics and Business, 
Aoyama Gakuin University

Specialties: Intercultural Dialogue on Environmental Ethics; 
Environment and Development; Green Critiques of Globalization.


Everett, Jennifer

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Alaska, Anchorage
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508

E-Mail:     afjje1@uaa.alaska.edu  
Phone:      907-786-4459
FAX:        907-786-4309

Specialties:     Ethics of Consumption; Animal Rights/Liberation' Environmental Justice; Ecofeminism.


Ferre, Frederick

E-Mail:     fferre@earthlink.net

Institution:      Philosophy (Emeritus), University Georgia

Specialties:     Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Technology, Metaphysics


Figueroa, Robert M.

Dept. of Philosophy and Religion
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346-1398

E-Mail:     rfigueroa@mail.colgate.edu
Phone:      315-228-7817

Specialties:    Environmental Justice; Environmental Philosophy (Ethics and Policy);
                     Philosophy of Environmental Heritage and Identity.

Fiore, Robin N.

            Assistant Professor
            Dept. of Philosophy
            Florida Atlantic University
            PO Box 3091
            Boca Raton, FL 33431

            Phone: 561-297-3869
            FAX: 561-297-2095

            E-mail: rfiore@fau.edu

            Specialties:  Environmental Ethics, Animal Ethics, Eco-feminism.


Foltz, Bruce V.

Letters Collegium
Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave. so.
St. Petersburg, FL 33711

E-Mail:     foltzbv@eckerd.edu 
Phone:     727-864-8271
FAX:       727-864-8354

Institution:      Prof. of Philosophy, Eckerd College

Specialties:    Heidegger and Environmental Philosophy, Environmental Aesthetics,
                     Environmental Theology.


Foltz, Richard

Dept. of Religion, PO 117410 
University of Florida 
Gainesville, FL 32611-7410

E-Mail:     rfoltz@religion.ufl.edu  
Phone:      352-392-1625

Specialties:     Religion and Ecology, Deep Ecology, Environmentalism in the Muslim World


Forbes, William

Philosophy & Religious Studies 
University North Texas, PO 310920 
Denton, TX 76203-0920

E-Mail:     wfool@students.cas.unt.edu  
Phone:      940-565-2374

Specialties: Aldo Leopold; Environmental Justice, Forestry


Fox, Michael Allen

Dept. of Philosophy
Queens University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada   K7L 3N6

E-Mail:    maf@post.queensu.ca
Phone:     613-533-6000 x77035
FAX:       613-533-6545

Specialties:    Value in Nature, Vegetarianism, Non-Western View, Sustainable Societies.


Fox, Warwick

Centre for Professional Ethics 
University of Central Lancashire 
Preston, PR1 2ME 
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     w.a.fox@uclan.ac.uk 
Phone:      01772-89 2942

Specialties:   Outstanding Problems in Environmental Ethics; Ethics and the Built Environment; 
                    Developing Responsive Cohesion Theory.


Frasz, Dr. Geoffrey, B.

Community College of Southern Nevada 
W2C 6375 W. Charleston Blvd. 
Las Vegas, NV 89146

E-Mail:     frasz@nevada.edu 
Phone:     702-651-5663

Institution:      Philosophical and Regional Studies, Philosophical College of Southern Nevada

Specialties:     Environmental Virtue Ethics, Postmodern Communities


French, William

Theology Department
Loyola University of Chicago
6525 No. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60626

E-Mail:    wfrench@luc.ledu
Phone:     773-508-2356

Specialties:    Environmental Policy; Energy Policy; Urban and Transportation Issues,
                     Religious Ethics and Ecology.


Frodeman, Robert

Center of the American West
University of Colorado, CB 282
Boulder, CO  80309

E-Mail:     robert.frodeman@colorado.edu
Phone:      303-440-6776
FAX:        303-492-1671

Specialty:    Philosophy of the Earth Sciences.


Fulton, Kathryn

718 Quanagh Court
Florence, OR  97439

E-Mail:     fulton@presys.com 
Phone:      541-902-7705

Institution:      Dept. of Anthropology, University of Oregon

Specialties:    Cultural adaptation to environmental change,
                     Environmental Policy and Regulations.


Gaard, Greta

Fairhaven College - MS 9118
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA 98225-9118

E-Mail:    gaard@cc.wwu.edu

Phone:     360-650-7666

Specialties:    Ecofeminism, Environmental Justice, Animal Liberation Theories, Green Politics.


Gamborg, Christian

Dept. of Forest and Landscape 
Horsholm Kongevej 11 
Horsholm, DK-2970 

E-Mail:     chg@ffl.dk 
Phone:     +45178237
FAX:       +45763233

Institution:       Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University

Specialties:     Forestry, Restoration Ethics


Gay, William C.

Philosophy, UNC Charlotte 
9201 University City Blvd. 
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

E-Mail:     wcgay@email-uncc.edu 
Phone:     704-687-2266
FAX:       704-687-2172

Institution:       Dept. of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Specialties:     Militarism and the Environment; Nuclear Weapons and the Environment; 
                      Russian Philosophy & Environmentalism. Editor: Contemporary Russian Philosophy.


Glazebrook, Trish

444 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210

E-Mail:     pglasebrook@mail.colgate.edu

Institution:    Colgate University

Specialties:   Philosophy of nature, Environmental phenomenology, Ecofeminism.


Godlovitch, Stan

4 Roblyn Place
Lincoln, New Zealand

E-Mail:     godlovs@lincoln.ac.nz
Phone:      643-325-3121

Institution:    Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand


Golley, Frank B.

Institute of Ecology 
University of Georgia 
Athens, GA 30602

E-Mail: fgolley@arches.uga.edu 
Phone: 706-542-6012 
FAX: 706-542-6040

Institution: ISEE

Specialties: Philosophy of Ecology


Gosseries, Axel

Pl. Montesquieu, 3
Louvain-La-Neuve, 1348

Institution:     Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research,
                    Catholic University of Louvain


Gottlieb, Roger S.

Dept. Humanities and Arts 
Worcester Polytechnic Inst. 
Worcester, MA 01609-2280

E-Mail: gottlieb@wpi.edu 
Phone: 508-831-5439 
FAX: 508-831-5932

Institution: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Specialties: Marxism and Nature, Religion an Nature, Holocaust and Environmental Crisis


Grande, Sandy

14323 Bayes Ave.
Lakewood, OH  44107

E-Mail:     grandequechva@hotmail.com
Phone:      216-228-3269

Institution:    Connecticut College

Specialties:    American Indian Education.


Grant, Rev. Robert L. (Bud)

St. Ambrose University
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

E-Mail:    bgrant@sdunix.sdu.edu
Phone:     319-333-6419

Specialties:    Prairie Preservation and Restoration; Midwestern Urban Ecosystems.


Grey, William

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Queensland
Queensland 4072

E-Mail:    wgrey@mailbox.uq.edu.au
FAX:      +617 33651968

Specialties:    Anthropocentrism; Deep Ecology.


Groothousen, Cornelius

Apartado #148

Phone:    504-773-0374
FAX:      504-773-0767

Specialties:    Forestry; Sustainable Forests; Certifying Sustainable Forestry;
                     Criteria and Indicators for Green Seal or Certified Permanent Sustainable Forestry.


Gunter, Prof. Pete A. Y.

Philosophy & Religious Studies 
University North Texas, PO 310920 
Denton, TX 76203

E-Mail: gunter@PO6.cas.unt.edu 
Phone: 940-565-2257 
FAX: 940-565-4448

Institution: Regents University Professor, University of North Texas

Specialties: History of American Philosophy and the Environment; 
Philosophy of Nature and the Sciences; Aldo Leopold; Texas Environment.


Hale, Benjamin

Philosophy Department 
SUNY Stony Brook 
Stony Brook, NY 11794

E-Mail:     bhale@ic.sunysb.edu 

Institution:       SUNY Stony Brook

Specialties:     Animal Rights, Water Resource Policy, Environmental Justice, 
                      Critical Theory, Radical Democractic Theory


Hallberg, Fred W.

630 Main St., PO Box 323 
Janesville, IA 50647

E-Mail:     hallberg@uni.edu 
Phone:      319-987-2016

Institution:         Emeritus Prof. of Philosophy, University of Northern Iowa

Specialties:       Nuclear Power, Economics of Waster Incineration vs. Recycling; 
                        Ideological Roots of Environmentalism in the Bible, Rousseau and Marx.


Hargrove, Eugene

Center for Environmental Philosophy
University of North Texas, PO Box 310920
University of North Texas
Denton, TX  76203-0980

E-Mail:    hargrove@unt.edu
Phone:     940-565-2727,  -2266,  -8876
FAX:       940-565-4439,  -4448

Specialties:    Environmental Philosophy; History of Ideas; Aesthetics; Environmental Education.


Harney, Prof. Peter

University of Notre Dame, Australia 
19 Movat St. 
Fremantle 6160 

E-Mail:     pharney@nd.edu.au 
Phone:      08-9239-5544

Specialties:     Earth Ethics, The Universe Story, EcoSpirituality, Greening Educational Institutions.


Hatley, James

Dept. of Philosophy
Salisbury University
Salisbury, MD 21801

E-Mail:     jdhatley@ssu.edu
Phone:      410-219-2870
URL:        www.ssu.edu/~hdhatley

Interests:  Phenomenology of the Environment with emphasis upon the themes of Walking, Edibility and Flesh.


Hettinger, Ned

Philosophy Department 
College of Charleston 
Charleston, SC 29424

E-Mail: hettingern@cofc.edu

Institution: College of Charleston


Heyd, Thomas

Dept. of Philosophy 
University of Victoria 
Victoria, BC V8W 3P4 

E-Mail:     heydt@uvic.ca 
Phone:      250-721-7512

Specialties:     Environmental Aesthetics, Restoration of Nature, Environmental Morality


Holden, Barry

Dept. of Politics, PO 218 
University of Reading, Whitenights 
Reading, RG6 6AD 
United Kingdom

E-Mail: b.b.holden@reading.ac.uk 
Phone: 0118 987 5123 x 7122

Institution: University of Reading

Specialties: Global Democracy and Global Warming


Hood, Robert

Dept. of Philosophy, Box 73
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfeesboro, TN  37132

E-Mail:     rhood@mtsu.edu  (Preferred)
Phone:      615-898-2050

Specialties:    Ecosystem health; International/comparative environmental ethics; 
                     Environmental Ethics and Religion.


Howie, Dr. John

615 So. Glenview Drive 
Carbondale, IL 62901

Institution: Philosophy (Emeritus), Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Specialties: Bioethics, Biomedical Revolution and Philosophical Ethics


Hughes, J. Donald

Dept. of History
University of Denver
Denver, CO 80208

E-Mail:    dhughes@du.edu
Phone:     303-871-2952
URL:       www.du.edu/~dhughes

Specialties:    Ancient Greece and Rome; India; Russia.


Humphrey, Dr. Mathew

School of Politics
University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG7 2RD
United Kingdom

E-Mail:    mathew.humphrey@nottingham.ac.uk
Phone:    115-951-4864
FAX:      115-951-4859

Specialties:    Political Philosophy and the Environment; Ethics or Preservation.


Jacobsen, Knut A.

Seljeholtet 3B
1344 Haslum

E-Mail:    knut.jacobsen@krr.uib.no
Phone:     5558-2449 /5558-9191

Institution:        Professor, Dept. of the History of Religions, University of Bergen, Norway

Specialties:       Environmental Ethics and Religion, Hinduism, India, Deep Ecology


Jamieson, Dale

Henry R. Luce Prof. in Human Dimensions of Global Change
Carleton College
One North College Street
Northfield, MN 55057

(After September 1):
University Center for Human Values
305 Marx Hall
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

E-Mail:     djamieso@Princeton.edu
Phone:      609-258-2660
FAX:        609-258-2729
URL:        carelton.edu/curricular/ENTS/faculty/dale/index.html


Jones, Parrish W.

511 Effie Lane
Windber, PA 15963

E-Mail:    brainsprain@earthlink.net
Phone:     814-476-6289

Institution:      First Presbyterian Church

Specialties:    Environmental Theology; Sustainability; Globalization


Kane, G. Stanley

Dept. of Philosophy
Miami University 
Oxford, OH 45056

E-Mail:  kanegs@muohio.edu


Karpov, Alexander

38/2 Kuznetsoveskaya St. 
St. Petersburg, 196105 

E-Mail:     ask@spb.org.ru 
Phone:     011-7-812-298-9750 
FAX:       011-7-812-247-0341

Institution:      Board Member, St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists

Specialties:     Protist Biology, NGO Environmental Activism


Katz, Eric

Humanities & Social Science 
New Jersey Institute of Technology 
Newark, NJ 07102

E-Mail:     katze@admin.njit.edu 
Phone:      973-596-3270

Institution:       New Jersey Institute of Technology

Specialties:     Ecological Holism; Restoration; Environmental Pragmatism


Kawal, Jason

Dept. of Philosophy and Religion
232 Hold Hall
Environmental Studies
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

E-Mail:    jkawall@mail.colgate.edu 
URL:        http://people.colgate.edu/jkawall 
Phone:     315-228-7817

Specialties:   Environmental Virtue Ethics, Biocentric Individualism,
                    Consumption Issues


Keller, David

Dept. of Philosophy, 173
Utah Valley State College
800 West University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058

E-Mail:    kellerda@uvsc.edu
Phone:     801-222-8503
FAX:       801-277-0606

Specialties:    Philosophy of Ecology; Philosophy of Self.


Kidner, David W.

Faculty of Humanities
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham NG11 8N5
United Kingdom

E-Mail:    david.kidner@ntu.ac.uk
Phone:     115-848-3022

Interests:    The relations between environmental, psychological, and cultural issues.


King, Roger

Dept. of Philosophy
The Maples
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469

E-Mail:    Roger.King@umit.maine.edu 
Phone:     207-581-3862

Interest:    Built Environment, Ethics of Eathing, American Pragmatism, 
                Environmental Literacy, Narrative, Place.


Kirkman, Robert

Lyman Briggs School
Michigan State University
E-30 Holmes Hall
East Lansing, MI 48825-1107

E-Mail:    kirkman@pilot.msu.edu

Specialties:    Human freedom in environmental context; Suburban environment;
                     History and Philosophy of Science.


Kultgen, John

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Missouri, Columbia
Columbia, MO  65211

E-Mail:    kultgen@missouri.edu
Phone:     573-882-3772
FAX:       573-884-8949
URL:       www.missouri.edu/~philwww/

Specialties:    Environmental Philosophy Theory;  Interrelations of the Nuclear and Environmental Threats.


Kwiatkowska, Teresa

Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa
Departamento de Filosofia
Av. Michoacan y Purisima s/n
09340 Mexico D.F. Mexico

E-Mail:    kwiat@xanum.uam.mx
Phone:     52-5-804-4777
FAX:       52-5-804-4778

Specialties:    Environmental Conservation and Restoration;  Environmental Engineering; 
                     Environmental History;  Decision-making.


La Torre, Maria Antonietta

Via M.da Caravaggio 119 
Napoli, Italia

E-Mail: l    atorrebox@hotmail.com

Institution:        Istituto Italiano di Bioetica

Specialties:       Books: Ecologial e Morale (Cittadella, Assisi, 1990); 
                        Ecologia y Moral Desclee de Brouwer (Bilbao, 1993); 
                        Le Farioni Moralie Dell'Ambientralismo (ESI, Napoli, 1998).


LaChapelle, Dolores

PO Box 542
Silverton, CO 81433

Phone:    970-387-5729

Institution:    Director, Way of the Mountain Center (Deep Ecology)

Specialties:    Early American exponent of Deep Ecology.  Essays in numerous anthologies.
                     Author: Sacred Land, Sacred Sex: Concerning Deep Ecology and Celebrating Life.


Lal, Vinay

Dept. of History
University of California, Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1473

E-Mail:    vlal@history.ucla.edu
Phone:     310-825-4601, x8276
FAX:       310-206-9630
URL:       www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia

Specialties:    Gandhian Ethics; Indian Environmentalism; Thoreau; Ecofeminism; Deep Ecology; 
                     The Philosophy of Nature; Ecology and Non-Violence.


Lee, Keekok

Dept of  Philosophy 
University of Lancaster 
Lancaster LA1 4YG 
United Kingdom

E-Mail: keekok.lee@ac.uk

Institution:     Philosophy, University of Lancaster

Specialties:   Ontology of Environmental Philosophy, Implications of Science and Technology for
                    Environmental Philosophy; Link between Philosophy and Science and Technology;
                    History of Science and Technology, and of Environmental Philosophy.


Leslie, John

Dept. of Philosophy 
University of Guelph 
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 

E-Mail:     johnlesl@uoguelph.ca 
Phone:     519-821-2133
FAX:       519-837-8634

Institution:         University Prof. Emeritus, University of Guelph. 
                        Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Specialties:        Threats to the survival of the human race. Author: "The End of the World: 
                         The Science and Ethics of Human Extinction" (Routledge, 1996).


Li, Huey-Li

3841 Silverwood Drive 
Stow, OH 44224

E-Mail:     hl1@uakron.edu 
Phone:      330-972-5220

Institution:      The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44225-4208

Specialties:     Ecofeminism, Global Economic Justice


Light, Andrew

Asst. Prof. of Environmental Philosophy
Director, Environmental Conservation Education Program
246 Greene St., Suite 300
New York University
New York, NY 10003

E-Mail:    andrew.light@nyu.edu
Phone:     212-998-5636
FAX:       212-995-4832

Specialties:    Methodological Pragmatism; Intergenerational Justice;  Restoration Ecology; 
                     Political Ecology; Philosophy of Economics;  Urban Ecological Issues.
                     Co-Editor: Philosophy and Geography.


Linzey, Rev. Prof. Andrew

91 Iffley Road 
Oxford, OX4 1E9 
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     andrewlinzey@aol.com 
Phone:      01865-201565

Institution:       Faculty of Theology, University of Oxford; Honorary Prof. of Theology, University of Birmingham

Specialties:     Theological Ethics; Ecological Theology; Animal Theology and Ethics


List, Peter C.

Dept. of Philosophy 
Oregon State University 
Corvallis, OR 97331

E-Mail:     plist@orst.edu 
Phone:      541-737-5649

Institution:      Dept. of Philosophy, Oregon State University

Specialties:     Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic; Radical Environmental Protest; Ethics in Forestry


Lo, Yeuk-sze

Unit 9, 168 Broadway
Nedlands, W.A. 6009

E-Mail:    ynorvas@cyllene.uwa.edu.au
Phone:     619-08-9386 9598

Institution:     University of Western Australia

Specialties:   Environmental Restoration;  Metaethical Value Theory;  
                    Humean Foundations for Environmental Philosophy


Lorentzen, Lois Ann

Dept. of Religion, 
University San Francisco 
2130 Fulton St. 
San Francisco, CA 94117

E-Mail:     lorentzen@usfca.edu 
Phone:      415-422-2413

Institution:       University of San Francisco

Specialties:     Gender an the Environment, Latin America


Lotzkar, Joe

9249 Lakeshore Drive 
Whistler, BC V0N 1B9 

E-Mail:     lotzkar@whistlernet.com 
Phone:     604-932-3217 
FAX:       604-932-3217

Institution:       AWARE (Assn. of Whistler Residents for the Environment).

Specialties:     The socially responsible investment movement.


Loy, David

Bunkyo University 
1100 Namegaya 
Chigasaki 253 

E-Mail:     loy@shonan.bunkyo.ac.jp 
Phone:      81-467-53-2111 
FAX:        81-467-54-3722

Institution:       Professor of International Studies, Bunkyo University

Specialties:     Comparative East-West Philosophy


Lucas, Julie Cook

E-Mail:  lucasjm@cwcom.net

Independent Writer and Campaigner

Specialties:    Ecofeminism: Particularly gender and class issues, activism, spirituality, birth politics.


Lynn, William S. L.

Assistant Director for Education
Center for Animal and Public Pollicy
Tufts University
Cummings Schoolof Veterinay Medicine
200 Westboro Road
North Grafton, MA 01536

E-Mail:    william.lynn@tufts.edu
Internet:   www.tufts.edu/vet/cfa

Phone:      508-887-4570


Macauley, David

Environmental Studies Program
Lewis Center, 122 Elm Street
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH 44074

Phone:     440-775-5484
E-Mail:    david.macauley@oberlin.edu    

Specialties:    Continental Philosophy and the Environment, Social Ecology, 
                     Political Theory and the Environment, Greek Philosophy and Nature


Maduka, Dr. Chukwugozie

        Dept. of Philosophy and Religions
        University of Benin
        Benin City, Nigeria

       E-Mail:  chukwugoziemaduka@yahoo.ca

Maly, Kenneth

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
LaCrosse, WI 54601

E-Mail:    maly.kenn@uwlax.edu
Phone:    608-785-8422
FAX:      608-785-6918
URL:      www.environmentalphilosophy.org 
              (International Association for Environmental Philosophy)

Specialties:    Ecogenic Environmental Philosophy, Heidegger, Leopold.


Marshall, Dr. Alan

Dept. of Environmental  Humanities
School of Social Studies, Masaryk University
Gorkého 7, CZ-602 00
Brno, Czech Republic

E-Mail:  alannigelmarshall@yahoo.com
Phone:  549-493-433

Specialties:     Ethics of Exploration and Development, science, nature and Ethics:
                      Environmental Philosophy in Cultural Terms.


Martin, John N.

Dept. of Philosophy
PO Box 210374
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH  45221-0374

E-Mail:     john.martin@uc.edu
Phone:      513-556-6339
FAX:        513-556-2939
URL:        http://ucaswww.mcm.uc.edu/philosophy/martinj 

Specialties:    Logic of Environmental Reasoning; History of Environmental Ideas.


Maskit, Jonathan

Denison University
Dept. of Philosophy
Granville, OH 43023

E-Mail:    maskite@denison.edu

Specialties:    Environmenal Ontology, Postmodernism and Environmental Ethics.


Mason, Hugh

Geography, University of Portsmouth 
Lion Terrace
Portsmouth P01 3HE
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     hugh.mason@port.ac.uk 
Phone:      +44-23-9284 2512

Institution:       University of Portsmouth

Specialties:     Interface of Environmental Ethics and Development Ethics


Mayer, Don

School of Business Administration 
420 BIT, SBA
Oakland University
Rochester, MI  48309

E-Mail:     mayer@oakland.edu
Phone:      248-370-3238
FAX:        248-370-4275

Specialties:    Law and Ethics of International Policy;  Consumption Issues.


McCormick, Bill

PO Box 1729 
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Phone:      804-295-7669

Specialties:     The Cyborg/Virtual/Biotechnology takeover of reality.


McCullough, Edwin R.

53 West Jackson, Suite 640 
Chicago, IL 60604

Phone:     312-987-9880

Specialties:     Writing, Activism and litigation in environmental issues.


McGuire, Catherine A. -- AIA

Joslyn Castle Institute for Sustainable Communities
3902 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE  68131

E-Mail:    cmcguire@unlnotes.unl.edu
Phone:     402-595-1902
FAX:       402-595-1007

Specialties:    Sustainable Design and Development.


McLaughlin, Andrew

92 Bittersweet Way 
Warwick, NY 10990

Phone:          914-986-8643

Institution:       Philosophy, Lehman College, Bronx, NY 10468

Specialties:     Social and Economic Dimensions of Environmental Problems; Deep Ecology.


Melin, Anders

The Tema Institute 
Linkoping University 
Linkoping 581-85 

E-Mail:     andme@tema.liu.se 
Phone:      13-282179

Institution:       The Tema Institute, Linkoping University

Specialties:     Environmental Policy Making and Ethics; Environmental Ethics in Christianity and Buddhism.


Meyer, John M.

Government and Politics 
Humboldt State University 
Arcata, CA 95521

E-Mail:      jmm7001@humboldt.edu 
Phone:       707-826-4479 
FAX:         707-826-4496

Institution:       Humboldt State University

Specialties:     Environmentalism and Political Theory; Biotechnology and Property Rights; 
                      Nature and Politics in Western Thought


Michael, Mark A.

Dept. History & Philosophy 
Austin Peay State Univ. 
Clarksville, TN 37044

E-Mail:     michaelm@APSU01.APSU.edu 
Phone:      931-221-1003

Institution:     Austin Peay State University


Miller, Peter

133 Riley Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada  R3T 0J5

E-Mail:     miller@uwinnipeg,ca 
Phone:      204-452-9017

Specialties:    Value Theory, Forest Policy.


Minteer, Ben

School of Public Policy
Georgia Institute of Technology
685 Cherry St.
Box 0345
Atlanta, GA  30332-0345

E-Mail:     ben.minteer@pubpolicy.gatech.edu
Phone:      404-385-0333
FAX:        404-894-0535

Specialties:    Environmental Political Theory, Pragmatic Moral and Political Thought,
                     Conservation and Environmental History, Public Land Policy and Management,
                     Philosophy and Politics of Plannig.


Mizzoni, Dr. John

Neumann College
Division of Arts and Sciences
One Neumann Drive
Aston, PA  19014

E-Mail:     mizzonij@neumann.edu

Specialties:    Metaethics


Morito, Bruce

Athabasca University 
1 University Drive 
Athabasca, AB T9s 3A3

E-Mail:     brucem@athabascau.ca 
Phone:      780-675-6143

Institution:       Athabasca University

Specialties:     Environmental Values, Ecosystem Approach, Metaphysics, Deep Ecology


Morrice, David

Dept. of History and Politics
Staffordshire University
College Road
Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DE
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     d.s.morrice@staffs.ac.uk
Phone:      +44 1782-294793

Specialties:    Political Philosophy;  Moral philosophy and environment;  Murray Bookchin.


Muschamp, David

Faculty of Arts, PO Box 11A 
Monash University 
Victoria 3800 

E-Mail:     muschamp@alphalink.com.au 
Phone:     61-3-9903-1990 
FAX:       61-3-9903-2392

Specialties: Sustainability


Nelson, Dr. Michael P.

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID  83844-3016

E-Mail:     mpnelson@uidaho.edu
Phone:     208-885-6284
FAX:       208-885-8950

Institution:         University of Idaho

Specialties:       Aldo Leopold, Wilderness, American Indian, Intrinsic Value,  Environmental Education, Activism, Conservation Biology,  Philosophy of Biology.


Newton, Lisa H.

Program in Environmental Studies
Fairfield University
Fairfield, CT 06430-5195

E-Mail:    lhnewton@fair1.fairfield.edu
Phone:     203-254-4128
FAX:       203-254-4275


Nickel, James

780-D Walnut St.
Boulder, CO 80302

E-Mail:    james.nickel@colorado.edu
Phone:     303-544-1593
FAX:       303-492-8386
URL:       http://spot.colorado.edu/~nickelj/

Institution:      Dept. of Philosophy, University of Colorado

Specialties:    Third World Environmental Problems;  Environmental Rights.


Norton, Bryan G.

School of Public Policy
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332

E-Mail:     bryan.norton@pubpolicy.gatech.edu
Phone:      404-894-6511
FAX:        404-894-0535

Specialties:   Obligations to Future Generations; Sustainability;  Environmental Evaluation; 
                    Environmental Politics and Policy: Biodiversity Policy.  
                    Member: Defenders of Wildlife, ISEE.


Numata, Mako

955-2 Aoba-cho, Chiba
Natural History Museum and Institute
260 Japan

Phone:    043-266-2481

Specialties:    Environmental Philosophy and Education.


Oelschlaeger, Max

McAllister Chair, Community, Culture and Environment
Northern Arizona University, Box 5634
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

E-Mail:    max.oelschlaeger@nau.edu
Phone:     520-523-0389

Specialties:    Wilderness, Caring for Creation


O'Neil, Rick

Transylvania University 
Lexington, KY 40508

E-Mail: roneil@mail.transy.edu 
Phone: 859-233-8178


O'Reilly, Sheelagh

MRDP PO Box 36 Hanoi, Vietnam

E-Mail:     sheelagh@fpt.vn

Institution:       CAZS, University of Wales,     
                       Bangor, Gwynead, LLS7-2UW

Specialties:     Environment and Development; Subsistence Rights; 
                      Productive land use and protected area management. 


Oksanen, Markku

Department of Philosophy
University of Turku
20014 Turku, Finland

E-Mail:    majouk@utu.fi
Phone:     358-(0)2-333-6270

Institution:    Post-Doctoral Researcher

Specialties:    Property rights; Biodiversity; Green political theory; ethics.


Ott, Prof. Dr. Konrad

Grimmer Str.88
D-17487 Greifswald

E-Mail:    ott@mail.uni-greifswald.de
Phone:     03834-864121
FAX:       03834-864114

Institution:    Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univeritat
                   Botanisches Institut un Botanischer Garten

Specialties:   General Theory of Environmental Ethics; Theories of Sustainability;
                    Ethical Aspects of Climat Change; Evaluation of Biodiversity.


Ouderkirk, Wayne

Empire State College
c/o SUNY Cobbleskill
Cobbleskill, NY 12043

E-Mail:    wayne.ouderkirk@esc.edu
Phone:     518-255-5320
FAX:       518-255-5809

Specialties:    Wilderness; Intrinsic Value; Epistemology


Oxford Centre for the Environment, Ethics and Society  (OCEES)

Mansfield College 
Oxford, OX1 3TF 
United Kingdom

E-Mail:     ocees@mansfield.oxford.ac.uk 
Phone:      01865 270886

Specialties: Sustainable Consumption; Public Policy


Paden, Roger

Philosophy & Religious Studies  
George Mason University 
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

E-Mail:     rpaden@gmu.edu 
Phone:     703-993-1265 
FAX:       703-993-1297

Institution:       George Mason University

Specialties:     Urban Planning, Ethics and Sustainability, Future Generations, The Moral Status of Animals.


Parker, Kelly A

Dept. of Philosophy 
Grand Valley State Univ. 
Allendale, MI 49401

E-Mail:     parkerk@gvsu.edu 
Phone:     616-895-3257 
FAX:       616-895-2601

Institution:       Grand Valley State University

Specialties:     Environmental Pragmatism; Urbanism Environment


Partridge, Dr. Ernest

PO Box 9045 
22389 Mojave River Rd. 
Cedarpines Park, CA 92322

E-Mail:     gadfly@igc.org 
Phone:     909/338-6173 
FAX:       909/338-7072

Institution:       Publisher, "The Online Gadfly"  www.igc.org/gadfly
                      C0-Editor: The Crisis Papers, www.crisispapers.org          

Specialties:     Future Generations, Russian Environment, 
                      Economics and Environment, Policy, Liberalism. 


Perrett, Roy W.

School of History, Philosophy and Politics
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand

E-Mail:    r.w.perrett@massey.ac.nz
FAX:       64-6-350-5662

Specialties:   Environmental Justice; Animal Liberation; Future Generations; 
                    Metaethics of Environmental Ethics.


Peter, Hans-Balz

Institute for Social Ethics
Sulgenauweg 26
CH-3007 Bern

E-Mail:    hansbalz.peter@ise-ies.ch
Phone"    0041-31-370-2550
FAX:       0041-31-370-2559

Institution:    Institut fur Sozialethik des Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbundes
                   Ev.-theo. Facultat der Universitat Bern

Specialties:   Relationship among Ecological Ethics, Economics, Development, Globalization. 
                    Member: ISEE, ISBEE


Peterson, Anna

Dept. of Religion 
University of Florida 
Gainesville, FL 32611-7410

E-Mail:      alp@religion.ufl.edu  
Phone:      352-392-1625  
FAX:        352-392-7395

Specialties:     Religious Ethics and Nature


Pister, Edwin P. (Phil)

Desert Fishes Council 
PO Box 337 
Bishop, CA 93515

E-Mail:     phildesfish@telis.org 
Phone:     760-872-8751

Institution:       University of California White Mountain Research Station

Specialties:     Application of Environmental Ethics to Decisions of Governmental Agencies 
                      and Conservation Biology Programs.


Pluhar, Evelyn

Philosophy Department
Penn State University, Fayette
1 University Drive
Uniontown, PA 15401

E-Mail:    exp5@psu.edu
Phone:     724-430-4258

Specialties:    Theoretical Foundations; Environmental Ethics and Nonhuman Animal Rights.


Pojman, Louis

Dept. of English & Philosophy 
US Military Academy 
West Point, NY 10996

E-Mail:     CL5338@usma.edu 
Phone:      914-938-3410

Institution:      United States Military Academy

Specialties:     Preservation of Wilderness; Ecologically Prosperous Cities; Population and Immigration.


Pollock, Jeri

10438 Las Lunitas
Tujunga, CA 91042

E-Mail:    jpollock@mminternet.com
Phone:     818-353-4550 

Institution:    Pepperdine University and Moorpark College

Specialties:   Education.  Teaching Personal Responsibility in Eco-Ethics.


Post, John F.

Dept. of Philosophy
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN  37235

E-Mail:    john.f.post@vanderbilt.edu
Phone:     615-322-2637

Specialties:    Values in Nature; "No Mo Po Mo" (Realism and Environmental Philosophy)


Preston, Christopher J.

Dept. of Philosophy
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29205

E-Mail:    preston@sc.edu
Phone:     803-777-3726

Specialties:    Epistemology and Environmental Philosophy; Deep Ecology.


Pritchard, Greg. R.

PO Box 30  
Natimuk, Victoria 3409 

E-Mail:     gregp@deakin.edu.au 
Phone:      035387-1361

Institution:       Deakin University

Specialties:     Literature, Specifically Whale Books.


Rawles, Kate

Old Farmhouse
Nibthwaite Grange
Ulverston, LA12 8DB

E-Mail:    kate@coniston-water.co.uk
Phone:     01229-885471
FAX:       01229-885470

Institution:        Freelance outdoor philosopher, Honorary Research Fellow, Lancaster University.

Specialties:       Environmental Ethics, Philosophy of Conservation, Sustainability, Animal Weldare
                        Outdoor Environmental Ethics.  Environmental Ethics and Activism.


Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph

Baumlihofstrasse 198  
Basel CH-4058 

E-Mail:    christoph.rehmann-sutter@unibas.ch 
Phone:     061-267-3067

Institution:       Arbeitsstelle fur Bioethic, Institut fur Geschichte un Ethic der medizin

Specialties:     Phenomenological Ethics, Place, Dignity, Perception


Reigota, Marcos

Rua Nhamibquaras 11 
17-605-030 Tupa 
Sao Paulo, Brasil

E-Mail:     reigotam@zipmail.com.br 
Phone:      00 55 144 425334

Institution:       Universidade de Sorocaba

Specialties:     Philosophy of Environmental Education; Cultural Studies and Ecology.


Ross, Stephen David

Prof. of Philosophy and Comparative Literature
Philosophy, Interpretation and Culture Program
Binghamton University, PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

E-Mail:     sross@binghamton.edu
Phone:      607-777-2666
FAX:        607-777-2734

Specialties:    Ecological issues in relation to continental philosophy, History of Philosophy,
                     Philosophy of Nature, Pragmatism, Ethics, Aesthetics, Feminism, Racism, Animals,
                     Culture -- Western and Non-Western.


Rothenberg, David

Associate Professor of Philosophy
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102

E-Mail:    terranova@highlands.com
Phone:     845-265-5518
URL:       www.njit.edu/directory/academic/hum/eps/roth.htm

Specialties:    Environmental Philosophy, Literature and Nature, Music and Nature, Deep Ecology.


Rozzi, Ricardo

Dept. of Philosophy and Religion Studies
1704 W. Mulberry, EESAT Bldg. 225, of. 320 E
PO Box 310920
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-0920

E-Mail:  rozzi@unt.edu
Phone: 940-369-7796 (or) 940-565-2266
FAX:  940-565-4448

Parque Etnobotanico Omora
Universidad de Magallanes -- Fundacion Omera
Puerto Williams, Provincia Antartica Chilena, Chile

E-Mail:  fundacion@omoraorg
Website: http//www.omora.org
Phone: 056-61-621305

Specialties:     Relationship between ecological sciences and environmental philosophy.     Environmental Ethics in South America

Rud, A. G.

College of Education, 1440 LAEB 
Purdue University 
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1440

E-Mail:     rud@purdue.edu 
Phone:     765-494-6542 
FAX:       765-494-5832

Specialties:   Human-animal interaction, philosophy of education, 
                    Moral education regarding environmental ethics.


Russell, Dr. Denise

Department of Philosophy
University of Sydney
NSW Australia  2006

E-Mail:    denise-russell@philosophy.usyd.edu.au
Phone:     029351 2225
FAX:       029351 6683

Specialties:    Editor: "Animal Issues" (about philosophical and ethical 
                     aspects of human/animal relationships.)


Sagoff, Mark

3111 Van Munching Hall
Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742

E-Mail:    ms2@umail.umd.edu
Phone:     301-405-4762

Specialties:    Policy and Law.


Salleh, Ariel

PO Box 151 Church Point
New South Wales 2105

E-Mail:     a.salleh@uws.edu.au
Phone:      61-2-9999-0108
FAX:        61-2-9979-8472

Institution:        Associate Professor in Social Inquiry, University of Western Sidney

Specialties:       Use of Ecofeminism for Integrating Ecology, Socialist, Women's and Indigenous Struggles.
                        Author: Ecofeminism as Politics;  Nature, Marx and the Postmodern (1997)


Sandler, Ronald

Dept. of Philosophical Studies
Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, IL 62026

E-Mail:    rsandle@siue.edu

Institution: Assistant Professor, Philosophical Studies, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

Specialties:   Environmental Virtue Ethics, Moral Standing, Environmental Justice, 
                    Environmental Concern/Environmental Behavior Relationship.                    


Saner, Marc

Executive Vice President & Director of Assessments
Council of Canadian Academies
Conseil des academies canadiennes.

180 Elgin St. -- Suite 1401
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 2K3 Canada

E-Mail:    mark.saner@scienceadviceca
Phone:     613-567-5000

Specialties:    Convergence at the Policy Level:  Biotechnology;  Implications for Policy.


Schaefer, Dr. Jame

3741 Koehler Drive 
Chaboygan, WI 53083

E-Mail:     jame.schaefer@marquette.edu 
Phone:     414-288-7170 
FAX:       414-288-5548

Institution:      Theology Department, 207 Coughlin Hall, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

Specialties:       Theological foundation of environmental ethics. 
                        Theological discourse informed by the natural sciences.


Scherer, Don

215 W. Washington St. 
Bowling Green, OH 43402

E-Mail:     dscherer@bgnet.bgsu.edu 
Phone:      419-372-8191

Institution:       Bowling Green State University

Specialties:     Coaching those who work to manage the interaction between natural and human systems.


Schönfeld, Martin

Department of Philosophy 
Department of  Environmental Science & Policy
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL  33620

E-Mail:    mschonfe@chuma.cas.usf.edu 

Phone:     813-974-5698
FAX:       813-974-5914

Specialties:    Deep Ecology, Animal Rights, Population Control, Third World.


Schroeder, Brian

26 Lexington Dr.
Clifton Park, NY 12065

E-Mail:     bschroeder@skidmore.edu
Phone:      518-383-0424

Institution:      Skidmore College, Philosophy and Religion.

Specialties:    Continental Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy


Seiler, Dr. Thomas

Neuhofen 32
A-8983 Bad Mitterndorf

E-Mail:        natur.kultur@telecom.at / ses@telecom.at  
Phone:         3623-3672

Institution:     General Secretary, Society for Ecological Sustainability.  Editor: Nature and Culture: Transdisiplinary Journal for Ecological Sustainability.  
(In German)  www.natur-kultur.at

Specialties:    Deep Ecology; "Ecological Crisis" in General.   


Sessions, Robert

222 Fairview Ave. 
Iowa City, IA 52245

E-Mail:     bsessio@kirkwood.cc.ia.us 
Phone:     319-338-5627

Institution:       Kirkwood Community College


Sharpe, Dr. Virginia Ashby

The Hastings Center 
Garrison, NY 10524-5555

E-Mail:     sharpeva@thehastingscenter.org 
Phone:      914-424-4040 
FAX:        914-424-4545

Institution:       Deputy Director and Assoc. for Biomedical and Environmental Ethics, The Hastings Center.

Specialties:     Environmental Justice, Environmental Restoration, Value Theory


Shaw, Bill

CBA 5.236
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712

E-Mail:    bevol@mzilintexas.edu
Phono:     512-471-9448
FAX:       512-471-0587
URL:        http://bus.utexas.edu/~shaw


Shea, Nancy

PO Box 399
Moose, WY 83012

E-Mail:    muriecenter@wyoming.com
Phone:     307-739-2246

Institution:    The Murie Center

Specialties:    Wilderness


Sheppard, James W.

1025 Reynolds Rd. P-3 
Johnson City, NY 13790

E-Mail:     jwshepp1@aol.com 
Phone:      607-729-3596

Institution:       PhD Candidate, Philosophy, SUNY Binghamton

Specialties:     Urban Environmental Ethics (Dissertation Topic); Environmental Pragmatism; 
                      bioregionalism; Environmental Aesthetics.


Shotton, Dr. Leila

Dept. of Philosophy, 
University of Tasmania 
PO Box 252-4 
Tasmania 7001 

E-Mail:     L.Shotton@utas.edu.au

Institution:      University of Tasmania

Specialties:     Restoration Ethics, Ecofeminism, Ethics in developing countries.


Smith, Dr. Mick

University of Abertay Dundee 
158 Marketguit 

E-Mail:     bstmfs@tay.ac.uk

Institution:       Dept. of Social and Health Sciences, University of Abertay Dundee

Specialties:      Modernism/Postmodernism, Social Theory, Radical Environmentalism, Continental Philosophy


Snelgrove, Chelsea H.

290 Southerland Terrace, Apt. 3 
Atlanta, GA 30307-2344

E-Mail:     chsnelgrove@yahoo.com 
Phone:     706-542-2823

Institution:       Dept. of Philosophy, University of Georgia

Specialties:     Ecological Feminism, Deep Ecology, Postmodern Ecology


Spash, Clive L.

19 Silver Street 
Cambridge CB3 9EP 
United Kingdom

Phone:          44-1223-337130

Institution:       Cambridge University

Specialties:     Climatic Change, Future Generations, Biodiversity, Valuation, Policy formation, 
                      Role of Science, Institutions.


Stefanovic, Ingrid Leman

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Toronto
St. Michael's College, AH 309
81 St. Mary St.
Toronto, ON M5S 1J4

Phone:    416-926-1300 x3260

Specialties:    Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology


Stenmark, Mikael

Dept. of Theology
Uppsala University
Box 1604
75146 Uppsala

E-Mail:    mikael.stenmark@teol.uu.se

Institution:    Professor, Philosophy of Religion, Uppsala University.

Specialties:    Policy Issues.


Steiner, Dieter

Frohburg Str. 130
CH-8057 Zurich

E-Mail:    steinerhamel@dplanet.ch
Phone:     0041 1 361 6726

Institution:    Formerly with the Institute of Geography of the ETH, Zurich (Retired).

Specialties:   Human Ecology, consciousness and rationalities, spiritual bond to nature;
                    Rrealtionships between mysticism, aesthetics and ethics, deep ecology.


Stephens, Piers H. G.

E-Mail:    mfedphs@fs1.art.man.ac.uk

Institution:     Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

Specialties:    Environmental Pragmatism; Leopold's Land Ethic; Axiology;
                     Green Political Theory; History of Ideas.


Stephens, Dr. William O.

Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178

E-Mail:    stphns@creighton.edu
Phone:     402-280-2632
FAX:       402-280-3359
URL:        puffin.creighton.edu/phil/bill.htm

Specialties:    Ethics and Animals;  Philosophical Vegetariansim.


Sterba, James P.

Prof. of Philosophy
316 Hesburgh Center
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5602

E-Mail:    james.p.sterba.1@nd.edu
Phone:     219-631-4231
FAX:       219-631-6973


Stillman, Peter G.

Department of Political Science (#463)
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY  12604-0463

E-Mail:     stillman@vassar.edu
Phone:      845-437-5581
FAX:        845-437-7599

Specialties:    Ecological Political Theory, Property, Nuclear Power.


Stone, Jerome A.

5255 No. River's Edge Terr. #303 
Chicago, IL 60630

E-Mail:     Jersustone@aol.com

Institution:       William Rainey Harper College

Specialties:     American Environmental Movement, esp. Thoreau, Leopold, Ecotheology,
                      Ecofeminism, Environmental Education.


Strohmaier, David

508 E. Pine
Missoula, MT  59802

E-Mail:    dgstroh@aol.com
Phone:     406-327-8911

Institution:        US Forest Service, ISEE

Specialties:       Professioinal Ethics and Natural Resource Management;  Fire;
                        Religious Epistemology and Environmental Philosophy


Taylor, Bron

Environmental Studies
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
800 Alguma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

E-Mail:    taylor@uwash.edu
Website:  www.religionandnature.com
Phone:     920-424-0644

Specialties:    Green Social Philosophy (esp. bioregional and radical religious and environmental ethics);
                     Applied EE (esp. the ethics of extra-legal environmental resistance).


Taylor, Paul W.

300 Meadow Lakes 
Hightstown, NJ 08520

Institution:     Brooklyn College, CUNY


Thompson, Janna

Dept. of Philosophy
La Trobe University
Bundoora, Victoria
Australia 3083

E-Mail:     j.thompson@latrobe.edu.au
FAX:        61-3-9479 /3639

Specialties:    Environmental Political Philosophy;  Environmental Heritage.


Thompson, Paul B.

Dept. of Philosophy 
Purdue University 
West Lafayette, IN 47906-1360

E-Mail:      pault@purdue.edu 
Phone:      765-494-4295 
FAX:        765-496-1616

Specialties:       Agricultural Ethics, Philosophy of Economics, Philosophy of Technology


Tonkinwise, Cameron

Director of Studies, EcoDesign Foundation
PO Box 369 Rozelle NSW
Australia 2039

E-Mail:    cctw@edf.edu.au
Phone:    (61 2) 9555 9412
FAX:      (61 2) 9555 9564
URL:      www.edf.edu.au 

Specialties:  Philosophy of learning, Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Design Theory and History; Sustainability Theory.


Trachtenberg, Zev

Dept. of  Philosophy
University of Oklahoma
455 W. Lindsey St., Rm 605
Norman, OK 73019

E-Mail:    ztractenberg@ou.edu
Phone:     405-325-6324
FAX:       405-325-2660

Specialties:    Property Rights, Stakeholder Involvement in Policy-Making.


Troxell,. Eugene A.

14766 High Valley Rd. 
Poway, CA 92064-2712

E-Mail:       extroxell@mail.sdsu.edu

Institution:     San Diego State University

Specialties:    Evolutionary Ethics, Pantheism


Tucker, Mary Evelyn

Dept. of Religion 
Bucknell University 
Lewisburg, PA 17837

E-Mail:      mtucker@bucknell.edu 
Phone:       570-577-1205

Institution:       Bucknell University Forum on Religion and Ecology

Specialties:     World Religions and Ecology. See Harvard Project Websites: 


Tuuli, Irinia Shirkova

42 Mulberry Circle
Ayer, MA  01432

E-Mail:    ituuli@bu.edu

Institution:      Boston University

Specialties:    Social Ecology, Ecological Optimism, Teilhard deChardin, Verandsky.


Van de Pitte, Margarate M.

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Alberta
Canada T6G 2E5

E-Mail:    mm.vandepitte@ualberta.ca


Varner, Gary E.

Dept. of Philosophy 
Texas A&M University 
College Station, TX 77843-4237

E-Mail:       g-varner@tamu.edu 
Phone:        979-845-8499

Institution:       Texas A&M University

Specialties:       Animal Rights vs. Environmental Policy, Medical Research and human nutrition, 
                        Philosophical issues in NEPA and Endangered Species. Author: "In Nature's Interests? Interests,
                        Animal Rights and Environmental Ethics." See: www-phil.tamu.edu/~gary/vita.html


Vogel, Steven

Dept. of Philosophy 
Denison University 
Granville, OH 43023

E-Mail:       vogel@denison.edu 
Phone:        740-587-6579


Waldau, Paul

23 Hartford Ave. North 
Upton, MA 01568

E-Mail:     paulwaldau@aol.com 
Phone:      508-529-4268

Institution:       Tufts University School of Medicine

Specialties:     Religion, Nonhuman Animals, Law


Waller, Robert

4 Evelyn Terrace  
Kew Foot Road 
Richmond, Surrey TW9 2TQ 
United Kingdom


Warren, Karen J.

Dept. of Philosophy
Macalester College
1600 Grand Ave.
St. Paul, MN  55105

E-Mail:    warren@macalester.edu
Phone:     651-696-6172
URL:       www.macalester.edu/~warren

Specialties:    Ecofeminist Philosophy


Watson, Richard A.

Dept. of Philosophy
Washington University
St. Louis, MO  63130

E-Mail:     rawatson@artsci.wustl.edu


Wawrzyniak, Jan

Adam Mickiewics University of Poznan
60-592 Poznan
Szafirowa 7

E-Mail:    jawa@main.amv.edu.pl
Phone:     +48/61/8417275

Specialties:    Theoretical Foundations of Environmental Ethics; Evolutionary Axiology;
                    Evolutionary Origin and Function of Moral Sense.


Weir, Jack

UPO 662
Morehead State University
Morehead, KY 40351


Welchman, Jennifer

Dept. of Philosophy
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
Canada  T6G 2E5

E-Mail:     jennifer.welchman@ualberta.ca
Phone:      780-492-9030

Specialties:    Environmental Ethics;  Virtues and Normative Theory.


Wenz, Peter S.

1225 Leland Ave. 
Springfield. IL 62704

E-Mail:      wenz.peter@uis.edu 
Phone:       217-787-5217

Institution:       University of Illinois at Springfield

Specialties:     Environmental Justice, otherwise "very general"


Weston, Anthony

E-Mail:     weston@elon.edu


Whitney, Elspeth

PO Box 222
Blue Diamond, NV 89004

Dept. of History
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5020

E-Mail:    elspeth@nevada.edu
Phone:     702-895-3350

Specialties:    Medieval Technology;  Medieval attitudes toward technological knowledge.


Wilson, J. Max

246 Lincoln St. 
Lexingon, MA 02421

E-Mail:       max.wilson@alumni.carleton.edu

Institution:   Carleton College


Wolf, Clark

Dept. of Philosophy
107 Peabody Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

E-Mail:     cwolf@uga.edu
Phone:      706-542-2678
URL:        www.phil.uga.edu/faculty/wolf/

Specialties:    Intergenerational Justice;  Property Rights;  Environmental Law and Policy


Wolff, Akiva

Research Director, Center for Judaism and the Environment
Jerusalem College of Technology
21 Havaad Haleumi St.  PO Box 16031
Jerusalem, Israel 91160

E-Mail:    wolff@mail.jct.ac.il
Phone:     972-02-675-1182

Specialties:     Jewish perspective on nature, ecology and environmental issues.


Woods, Dr. Mark

Dept. of Philosophy 
University of San Diego 
5998 Alcala Park, 
San Diego CA 92110-2492

E-Mail:     mwoods@acusd.edu 
Phone:     619-260-6865 
FAX:       619-260-4227

Institution:       University of San Diego

Specialties:     Wilderness, Ecological Restoration, Philosophy of Ecology, Ecocentric Ethics, 
                      Environmental Ethics vs. Animal Ethics, Ecological Feminism


Yablokov, Dr. Alexey V.

26 Vavilov St. 
Moscow 117808

E-Mail:     yablokov@glasnet.ru

Institution:       Russian Academy of Sciences, Socio-Ecological Union, Center for Russian Environmental Policy.

Specialties:      Biologist, leader in Russian NGO environmental movement -- The Socio-Ecological Union 
                       and Center for Russian Environmental Policy.  
                       "The Sakharov of the Russian Environment" (E. Partridge)


Yana Cai

Dept. of Biology
Guangzhou Teachers' College
Guangzhou, Guang Dong 510400

E-Mail:             caiyn.163@163.net
Phone/FAX:     0086-020-86232694

Specialties:        Environmental Education; Environmental Mutagenesis;  Biology


Zabelin, Sviatoslav

41 Vavilov St. 
PO Box 211 
Moscow 121019 

E-Mail:     svet@glasnet.ru 
Phone:      +7-095-124-79-34

Institution:     Biologist. Co-Director and Founder, Socio-Ecological Union, 
                    Leader in Russian NGO Environmental Movement.


Zimmerman, Michael E.

Dept. of Philosophy 
Tulane University 
New Orleans, LA 70118

E-Mail:      michaelz@tcs.tulane.edu 
Phone:       504-862-3391

Specialties:     Deep Ecology, Postmodern Environmentalism, Heidegger and Ecophilosophy, 
                      Buddhism and ecology.


Zweers, W.

Park Vredehof 1

E-Mail:    wzs@wxs.nl
Phone:     0031 35 6014472

Institution:        Formerly: Dept. of Philosophy, Amsterdam University

Specialties:      Metaphysics and Aesthetics within Environmental Philosophy;
                       Intrinsic Value of Nature; Participatory World View; Basic Attitudes to Nature;
                       "Postmodern" Science, Constructive Postmodernism.

Dr. Ernest Partridge is a consultant, writer and lecturer in the field of Environmental Ethics and Public Policy. He has taught Philosophy at the University of California, and in Utah, Colorado and Wisconsin. He publishes the website, "The Online Gadfly" (www.igc.org/gadfly) and co-edits the progressive website, "The Crisis Papers" (www.crisispapers.org).  Dr. Partridge can be contacted at: gadfly@igc.org .