Environmental Ethics
and Public Policy
Ernest Partridge, Ph.D

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Classical Guitar:
"The Other Profession




The Internet: Last Refuge of the Liberal

The Dissenting Internet as "The American Samizdat"


Here are the progressive "log-ons" that we visit regularly.  We recommend them all.  And if you are especially generous, think of sending in a subscription to these websites and/or their hard-copy publications.  There are no Republican fat-cats supporting these worthies.

The Smirking Chimp
deserves a daily visit.  Direct links to national and international news and commentary.  Updated daily. Much of it is high quality journalism (which one has to look far and wide to collect it these days) -- from such sources as the New York Times, the Washington Post,  the Guardian (UK), etc.

Truthout.   An excellent source of progressive news and opinion, from the American press, the foreign press, and the internet.  Also some worthy original pieces.  If you sign up, Truthout will send a daily e-mail of new listings with links.  

BushWatch  has the most comprehensive and extensive selection of anti-Bush articles that we know of, meticulously organized and catalogued.  A good "first stop" in your search for ammunition against  Bush & Co.  Also supplies a fresh list of articles and links.  

The Crisis Papers is a user-friendly collection of links to a wide variety of outstanding articles, organized in precise topics pages.  Also contains this "Dissenting Internet" list, and Activists' Page, features, and columns by the editors, Ernest Partridge, Ph.D and Bernard Weiner, Ph.D

BuzzFlash . Another tremungous list of timely articles (linked) and links to other sources. An excellent "first stop" for a session of surfing.

Democrats.comNot the website of the National Democratic Party, but self-described as "the largest independent community of democratic activists."  Hard-hitting exposes and commentary.

Counterpunch.  Solid articles from the left-wing perspective, with a real bite.

The Online Journal features an abundance of fearless, no-holds-barred critiques of establishment politics and the corporate owners/sponsors thereof.   Also contains a rich and reliable repertory of links to progressive commentary and critiques of the Bush Restoration.  

The Online Gadfly is the website of Ernest Partridge, the co-editor of The CrisisPapers.  Features an abundance of brief opinion pieces on politics, economics, the environment, etc., as well as longer scholarly works on environmental ethics, moral philosophy, peace studies and public policy.

Democratic Underground.  Another fine source of original opinion pieces.   Independent of, and thus less constrained than, the Democratic Party.

American Politics Journal..  Despite the stuffy, academic-type title, this site offers beaucoup links and sassy commentary from the left side. 

The Nation.   The articles used to be formulaic and written by shallow non-entities.  Someone has since done something spectacularly right, for The Nation has now become one the premier publishers of liberal and progressive thought.  The new online edition appears each Friday.

The Guardian (UK).  England's Guardian offers an incisive analysis of U.S. politics and worldwide machinations, with fresh and definitely non-American insights.

CommonDreams . A good repository of liberal/left articles re-posted from publications and websites.

Outlook India. One of the best foreign websites, with a heavy emphasis on Indian and Asian politics, but also including many articles on American policy and machinations. 

Scoop . A super site from New Zealand. Heavy coverage of New Zealand  and Asian politics, but also lots of solid reporting and analysis of American  war aims and 9/11 coverup. 

Tom Paine.  Another "don't miss" source of free-wheeling progressive opinion.

The New York Times.   Despite all its manifest offenses (the NYT gave us all "The Whitewater (non)Scandal"), it is still "the newspaper of historical record."  Good Op-Ed pieces, across the political spectrum.  Keep an eye out for Maureen Dowd,  Bob Herbert, and Paul Krugman who have super-sensitive BS detectors, and super-sharp crap-cutters.  

ZNet Magazine.. A wide-ranging list of links and articles from a radical left perspective that covers world and domestic events. Lots of Chomsky.

Salon.  Some refreshingly sassy commentaries on the antics of George II and his gang.  A subscription to their "Premium Edition" costs $30, without which access to the full text of the best articles is unavailable.  We subscribe and believe it well worth the cost.  Besides, Salon is very deserving of the support.

Media Whores Online.  As the title suggests, the site takes a dim view of the press in general, and the "punditocracy" in particular.  It names names, and its indictments are generally right on target.  

Bear Left.  Original essays and fresh links to current articles.  Features a huge list of links to other sites and sources.

Media Transparency  is another excellent "gateway site" to current articles and commentary on political issues, from a progressive perspective.   If you've had about your fill of "the myth of the liberal media," Media Transparency is an ideal place to turn for material for a refuting argument.

Indymedia.  This is the central site for Indymedia websites around the U.S. and the globe.  They operate as "a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage.

Vote Scam. Here's a site that publishes important articles about the various ways the right-wing might have manipulated election results and got away with it.

Take Back the Media.  A site devoted to critical views of the media, especially those based in Washington, DC.  Solid ideas about how to keep the media honest.

Talking Points Memo.  This is Joshua Micah Marshall's invaluable half-blog/half-essay website, always sharply tuned to what's happening out there in Politicsland.

Social Criticism Review.  Solid research and scholarly analysis, from a left perspective, of a wide variety of social and political issues.

Don't Beat Around the Bush.  A fine German anti-war website that runs many articles from the United States, in both Deutsch and English.  Good source for German political perspectives.

MikeHersh.com. A lively mix of Hersh's astute essays and other articles from around the 'net. 

MichaelMoore.com. Just as brash and irreverent and biting a selection of articles and commentary as you'd expect from the author of "Stupid White Men" and creator of "Bowling For Columbine."

News Insider. A wide-ranging collection of provocative articles from around the world on a range of newsy topics.

Information Clearing House.  Mostly specializes in foreign policy, but contains a wide range of domestic policy issues also.

OpEdNews. Covers a wide range of domestic and international issues, and also includes a valuable log of progressive radio programs.

Poll Watch is trying to deal with the disappearance of exit-pollers that so marred the 2000 election.  It show you how you can set up your own citizens' poll-watching group. 

Still more progressive websites noted (for the moment) without comment:

Of course, that's just a beginning.  There are many, many more fine sites offering antidotes to the relentless rightward spin of the establishment media.  In fact, many of the above listed sites are excellent gateways to these additional sites.  See especially, Bear Left and BuzzFlash.   To our knowledge, the largest list of progressive and liberal websites is at "Link Crusader."


Progressive Radio Programs:  While the primary emphasis at The Crisis Papers is on the print and internet media, we cannot and should not, neglect the few progressive/liberal radio and internet talk shows still out there.  Some are nationally distributed, some local to a particular region, but all deserve our support.  Among these (with more names and information still to come) are: Meria Heller (a live-on-the-net show from Arizona: www.meria.net ), and such radio shows as Joe Jackson (Salt Lake City), Caroline Casey (Pacifica Network), Peter Werbe (Detroit).  For a list of these and other talk shows, see the left-hand border at the website, "Make Them Accountable."   In addition, OpEdNews has an excellent page with names, stations, times, and best of all, "RealPlayer" links to the stations.

Any other suggestions?  Let us know, and we may add to this list.

For E-Mail and Postal Addresses of Government Officials,  Media and Activist Organizations,  see  "To Take Back Our Republic."


Dr. Ernest Partridge is a consultant, writer and lecturer in the field of Environmental Ethics and Public Policy. He has taught Philosophy at the University of California, and in Utah, Colorado and Wisconsin. He publishes the website, "The Online Gadfly" (www.igc.org/gadfly) and co-edits the progressive website, "The Crisis Papers" (www.crisispapers.org).  Dr. Partridge can be contacted at: gadfly@igc.org .